Round Corner Tool Sketchup

Posting Tutorial kali berkaitan dengan software Google Sketchup, bagi para desainer interior,landscape maupun arsitek umumnya sudah terbiasa dengan software ini.namun tahukah anda bahwa ada trik-trik modelling di Sketchup.yaitu plugin tambahan yang dijejalkan di Sketchup.plugin ini tidak perlu install hanya tinggal copy paste ke directory file dimana kita meng install Sketchup.Ruby Script, hmm apa itu?seperti yang kita ketahui sejarah dari Sketchup dahulu adalah semacam open source sebelum diakuisisi oleh google, dan untungnya setelah diakuisisi oleh google fitur Ruby Script maih dipertahankan.Ruby Script adalah (pake bahasa inggrisnya langsung)

Adding a rounded corner and edge will give the dice a more realistic look that we are familiar with. Adding Round Corners in Sketchup. We did this by using a Freedo6 plugin called “round corner.” This plugin is useful for quickly rounding corners in Sketchup and adding unique beveled edges. Restart SketchUp. Choose View Tool Palettes Round Corner to activate the tool. Some things I’ve made in the short time I’ve been using RoundCorner: I started with a boxy sofa I made awhile ago, then used RoundCorner to soften it up. RoundCorner can handle fillets, too — even round, uneven ones.


Ruby is a programming language that anyone can use to write plugins (scripts) for Google SketchUp. Once installed, Ruby Scripts can add tools, simplify multi-step operations, and otherwise improve the way you work with SketchUp.

The good news is that you don’t need to know anything about Ruby scripting (or programming in general) to use Ruby Scripts that other people have created. To get started, you can find some pre-made Ruby Scripts that we made, below. For links to even more, check out the Ruby Scripts section of our Resources page.

If you’re interested in creating Ruby Scripts for Google SketchUp, please take a look at our Developers page for more information.

For technical support assistance with these scripts, visit the Google SketchUp Help Forum.

hehehe.jadi pada intinya kita bisa membuat program tambahan yang kita buat sendiri untuk dibenamkan pada software Sketchup yang sudah di install ke komputer kita.itulah kelebihan dari Sketchup.jadi semacam Linux dimana kita bebas menambah fitur-fitur buatan kita sendiri, namun juga ada batasannya seperti pada link diatas. dan untungnya Ruby Script yang ada di situs maupun forum Skechup kebanyakan gratis.kita tinggal download dan Co-Pas ke directory.

nah cara menginstallnya adalah :

Installing Ruby Scripts

To install a Ruby Script, here’s what you need to do:

1. Download it onto your computer.
2. If the downloaded file is zipped, unzip it. You can usually do this by double-clicking on it. Unzipped Ruby Script files have the following file extension: .rb
3. Close SketchUp if it’s running.
4. Copy the Ruby Script file into the right location for your operating system:
Windows: C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins
Mac OS X: ‘Hard Drive’/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins

Using Ruby Scripts

The location of the controls for the Ruby Script you just installed depends on the Script; you access some through the menu system, and others by means of right-clicking on elements of your model. Some Ruby Scripts have their own dialog boxes, while others don’t appear in the SketchUp user interface at all – they’re just “reference” scripts that provide functionality for other scripts. How you use each script should be explained by its author, probably in the location from which you downloaded the script.

nah setelah tahu apa itu Plugin dan Ruby Script, maka kita masuk ke tutorialnya

pembahasan tutorial kali ini adalah mengenai Ruby Script “RoundCorner”

apa itu Round Corner? pada intinya ada kita membuat sudut yang lancip menjadi lengkung.tutorial lengkapnya seperti ini :

Rounding off sharp corners – especially in two directions – has always been a major pain. Multiple Follow Me operations, copying, flipping, moving… Life is simply too short for such tediousness.

Enter the RoundCorner Ruby script by Fredo6. You activate the tool, pick the edges you want to round (or fillet), specify a couple of parameters, and hit Enter. Really great tools are ones that save hours of nitpicky, repetitive work; by this definition, RoundCorner is an all-star.

How it works

RoundCorner is a simple tool with a few (sort of) complicated settings. At its simplest, here’s what it does:

Click on an icon in the Round Corner toolbar to activate one of the “modes”: Round, Sharp or Bevel.

RoundCorner can make rounded edges with round or sharp corners. It can also make bevels (far right)

Pick the edges you want to round by clicking them. Click again to deselect an edge. You can also click a face to select all of its edges, or a vertex (where endpoints meet) to select its connected edges.

Pick edges, faces or vertices.

Press Tab on your keyboard to bring up the Parameters dialog box. Enter an offset distance and the number of facets (segments) your new rounded edges should have. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Use the Parameters dialog box to specify an offset and a number of sides. Using a small number of sides yields more usable models.

Increasing the number of sides on your rounded corners increases your face count exponentially

When you’re ready, click somewhere in empty space to run the script.

So many settings

There are plenty of settings in the toolbar that appears in your modeling window when you activate one of the tools; take a look at the plugin’s handy documentation to see what everything does (Tools > Fredo6 Collection > RoundCorner > Documentation…)

Details, details

  • You can download RoundCorner (as well as all of Fredo6’s other plugins) from the Ruby Library Depot.
  • Fredo6 makes his plug-ins available as donationware, meaning that they’re free to download and use, but that payment is always gladly accepted. I highly encourage you to support his efforts.
  • This SketchUcation thread provides good discussion and examples.
  • This Pushpull Bar post is helpful, too.
  • So is this video that Fredo6 made.
  • RoundCorner works on both Macs and PCs.


  1. Unzip the folder you downloaded.
  2. Move both things inside that folder (another folder called ROUNDCORNER_Dir_xx and a file called ZLoader_Roundcorner.rb) into your Plugins folder.
  3. Make sure you have the latest version of LibFredo6 installed, too (there should be a link to it on the same download page.) It contains things that all of Fredo6’s scripts need to work. Download and unzip it, then move its contents (a folder called LIBFREDO6_Dir_xx and a file called LibFredo6.rb) into your Plugins folder.
  4. Restart SketchUp.
  5. Choose View > Tool Palettes > Round Corner to activate the tool.


Some things I’ve made in the short time I’ve been using RoundCorner:

I started with a boxy sofa I made awhile ago, then used RoundCorner to soften it up.

RoundCorner can handle fillets, too — even round, uneven ones

Rounding off the upper edges of 3D text makes it look at lot better.

I used RoundCorner an awful lot for this ship. Mac os high sierra manual pdf. Wine games egpu. It shoots flowers, in case you’re wondering.

SketchUp Extension Introduction Video

Bevel and Round Corners in SketchUp with Roundcorner!

Extension Name

Round Corner

Extension Developer

Google Sketchup Tools


Extension Cost


Where to get it
Roundcorner Download Link –

Dependencies – LibFredo Download –

Extension Description – Roundcorner

Roundcorner is an extension from Fredo6 for SketchUp designed to help you add rounded edges and bevels to your SketchUp models. It allows you to both round off and bevel your corners, and is great for creating rounded edges and chamfers in your models!


Tools On Surface Sketchup

In this video I walk you through how to model a decorative hanging lamp in SketchUp! We use extensions like Round Corner, Pipe Along Path, and Lines to Tubes to create a lamp that’s great for SketchUp viewing, but also for rendering!

Door Tools Sketchup

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