Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf To Excel

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Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf Free Download RukovodstvoPoRemontuDvigatelyaD-144SkachatBesplatnoS5R7EU.exe 391.68 KB 热门搜索 mudr-066 文明6 VANDR-116 sdde-577 老板娘之四月初八黑絲3p福利 IPX-214 巴士 枫林晚 儿子 psd-408. Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf To Excel Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf To Excel. FLHTC Electra Glide Workshop I ChiIdNutrition Chair: Francesco Brnca Co- chair: Matj. There is a huge deficit in the demand and supply of well-qualified and trained Electrical and Electronics Engineers in the country. Mar 15, 2011 I am working in 2MW Photovoltanic Solar power plant as Electrical Engineer (O&M), these plant generate power at day time & take power (Import) at night. At night Import power is used for plant lighting only as generation stopped after sunset, At the time of Import power, we have a light load (near about 10KW), due to which our power factor is Low.


Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf Free Download

Rollercoaster tycoon 3 3.1. Zrazok zoshita samoosvti vihovatelya. 13 8 SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION Course Code: 13EE1119 L 4 T 0 P 0 C 3 Pre requisites: Electrical Machines and Power Transmission Engineering Course Educational Objectives: ✤ To discuss the need for the protection and various protection schemes. ✤ To study different relays characteristics character istics ✤ To understand the method of circuit breaking, arcing phenomena – various arc theories theories - capacitive and inductive inductive breaking Course Outcomes: ✤ Students acquire knowledge in the field of power system protection, circuit breakers and relays. ✤ Students will gain ability to design the relevant protection systems for the main elements of a power system. UNIT-I ( 12 L ec tu re s) CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Principle of operation – RRRV – Current chopping- Circuit Breaker ratings and specifications, specifica tions, Testing Testing of Circuit Breakers.

Constructi onal features and selection Constructional select ion of LT LT breakers (Miniature circuit circui t breakers/Metal clad circuit breakers/Earth leakage circuit breaker) and HT breakers (Air blast circuit breaker-Oil circuit breakers-SF6 CBVacuum Circuit Circuit Breakers) Breakers) UNIT-II ( 12 L ec t u re s ) PROTECTIVE RELA RELAYS-I: YS-I: Electromagnetic Relays: Principle of Operation and Construction of Attracted armature, Balanced Balanc ed Beam, induction Disc and Induction Cup relays. Relays Classification: Instantaneous, DMT and IDMT types, G V P College of Engineering (Autonomous) 2013 13 9 Application of relays: Over current, Under voltage, Directional, Differential and Percentage Differential. UNIT-III (12 Lectures) PROTECTIVE RELAYS-II: Universal Torque Equation, Distance relays: Impedance, Reactance and Mho and Off-Set Mho relays, Characteristics of Distance Relays and Comparison. Static Relays, Static Relays verses Electromagnetic Relays. Microprocessor Based Relays: impedance, directional, reactance, Mho & offset Mho and mathematical expression for distance relay.

Buy Switchgear Protection and Power Systems eBook By Sunil S. Rao PDF Online. ISBN 328 from KHANNA PUBLISHERS. Download Free Sample and Get Upto 43% OFF on MRP/Rental. Switchgear Protection And Power Systems has 272 ratings and 20 reviews. 3.87 Rating details 272 ratings 20 reviews Get A Copy. Shelves: switchgear-and-protection. I want to read this book. Flag Like see review.

Switchgear protection and power systems sunil s rao pdf to excel downloadSwitchgear protection and power systems sunil s rao pdf to excel converter

Adobe premiere pro cc portable. UNIT-IV (12 Lectures) PROTECTION OF GENERATORS, TRANSFORMERS, FEEDERS AND BUS BARS: Protection of Generators against Stator faults, Rotor faults, and Abnormal Conditions. Restricted Earth Fault, Numerical Problems on% Winding Unprotected. Percentage Differential Protection of transformers, Numerical Problems on Design of CT’s Ratio, BUCHHOLTZ Relay Protection Protection of transmission Lines: Over Current, Carrier Current and Three-zone Distance Relay Protection using Impedance Relays. Translay Relay. Protection of Bus bars – Differential protection.

UNIT-V (12 Lectures) GROUNDING TECHNIQUES & OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTIONS: Grounded and Ungrounded Neutral Systems- Effects of Ungrounded Neutral on system performance- Methods of Neutral Grounding, Arcing Grounds and Grounding Practices. Protection against Over Voltages- Volt-Time Characteristics- Valve type and Zinc-Oxide Lighting Arresters - Insulation Coordination-BIL, Impulse Ratio, Standard Impulse Test Wave. TEXT BOOKS: 1. C R Mason, “Art& Science of Protective Relaying”, Wiley Eastern Ltd. G V P College of Engineering (Autonomous) 2013 14 0 2. Sunil S Rao, “Switchgear Protection and Power Systems”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 11th Edition reprint 3rd Edition, 2008 REFERENCES: 1.


Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf To Excel Document

Badri Ram, Viswakarma.D.N., “Power System Protection and Switchgear”, TMH Publications, 2 nd Edition 2011. Macos high sierra dmg to google drive. MadhavRao, “Power System Protection Static relays with Microprocessor Applications”, TMH Publication, 2nd Edition, 2006. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power Systems”, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 5th Edition, 2009. Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, Chakrabarthy, “A Text book on Power System Engineering”, DhanpatRai & Co, 2008. Warrington and Coll, “Protective Relays”, Vol I & II. Pqr G V P College of Engineering (Autonomous) 2013.

Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf To Excel Template

TEE701: SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTIONUnit I: Introduction to power system: Introduction to protective system and its elements, function of protective relaying, protective zones, primary and backup protection, desirable qualities of protective relaying, basic terminology. Relays: Electromagnetic, attraction and induction type relays, thermal relay, gas actuated relay. Unit II: Relay Applications and characteristics: Amplitude and phase comparators, over current relays, directional relays, distance relays, differential relays. Static relays: Comparison with electromagnetic relays, classification and their description, over current relays, directional relays, distance relays, differential relays. Unit III: Protection of transmission line: Time graded protection, differential and distance protection of feeders, choice between impedance, reactance and MHO relays, Elementary idea about carrier current protection of lines, protection of bus, auto reclosing, pilot wire protection. Unit IV: Circuit Braking: Arc phenomenon, properties of arc, arc extinction theories, recovery voltage and restriking voltage, current chopping, resistance switching, capacitance current interruption, circuit breaker ratings. Testing of circuit breakers: Classification, testing station & equipments, testing procedure, direct and indirect testing. Unit V: Apparatus protection: Types of faults on alternator, stator and rotor protection, negative sequence protection, loss of excitation and overload protection. Types of fault on transformers, percentage differential protection, isolated neutral system, grounded neutral system and selection of neutral grounding. Circuit breakers: Need of circuit breakers, types of circuit breakers, operating modes, principles of construction, details of Air Blast, Bulk Oil, Minimum Oil, SF6, Vacuum Circuit Breakers, DC circuit breakers. Text Books: 1. Switchgear and protection Sunil S. Rao, Khanna Publishers 2. Power System Engg. Soni Gupta & Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 3. A course in Electrical Power, C.L. Wadhawa, New Age International 4. Power system protection and switchgear, B. Ram, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Reference Books: 1. Power system protection & switchgear, Badriram & D.V. Vishwakarma, TMH 2. Switchgear & Protection, M.V. Deshpande, TMH TEE702: ANN AND FUZZY LOGIC Unit-I Neural Networks-1(Introduction & Architecture): Neuron, Nerve structure and synapse, Artificial Neuron and its model, activation functions, Neural network architecture: single layer and multilayer feed forward networks, recurrent networks. Various learning techniques; perception and convergence rule, Auto-associative and hetro-associative memory Unit-II Neural Networks-II (Back propogation networks): Architecture: perceptron model, solution, single layer artificial neural network, multilayer perception model; back propogation learning methods, effect of learning rule co-efficient ;back propogation algorithm, factors affecting back propagation training, applications. Unit-III Fuzzy Logic-I (Introduction) : Basic concepts of fuzzy logic, Fuzzy sets and Crisp sets, Fuzzy set theory versus probability theory, Fuzzy set theory and operations, Properties of fuzzy sets, Fuzzy and Crisp relations, Fuzzy to Crisp conversion. Unit-IV Fuzzy Logic –II (Fuzzy Membership, Rules) : Membership functions, interference in fuzzy logic, fuzzy if-then rules, Fuzzy implications and Fuzzy algorithms, Fuzzyfications & Defuzzifications, Fuzzy Controller, Unit-V Application of Neural Network and Fuzzy logic: Application of neural network, case study, Inverted pendulum, Image processing. Introduction to neuro & fuzzy logic controller. Text Books: 1. Kumar Satish, “Neural Networks” Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Jacek M. Zurada, ‘Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems’, Jaico Publishing home, 2002. 3. S. Rajsekaran & G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm: Synthesis and Applications” Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books: 1. Siman Haykin,”Neural Networks ”Prentice Hall of India. 2. Moore, Digital control devices, ISA press, 1986. 3. Timothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications” Wiley India. TEE703: FACTS DEVICES Unit I: FACTS: Concept, power flow and stability, basic theory of line compensation Power Electronic Controllers: Review of PWM voltage source inverters used in FACTS, classifications of FACTS controllers. Unit II: Static Shunt Compensators: SVC and STATCOM - TCR, TSC, system stability. Static Series Compensators: GCSC, TSSC, TCSC and SSSC, control techniques. Unit III: Static Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators: Power flow control, TCVR and TCPAR. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC): Concept of power flow control, operation and control of UPFC, Interline Power Flow Controller. Unit IV: Stability Analysis: Modeling of FACTS devices, optimization of FACTS, transient and dynamic stability enhancement Unit V: Applications of FACTS controller: Principle of control of FACTS in HVDC links, co- ordination of FACTS devices with HVDC links, case study. Advanced FACTS devices. Books: 1. Song Y. H. and Johns A. T., “Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)”, IEE Press. 2. Hingorani N. G. and Gyugyi L., “Understanding FACTS”, IEEE Press, Standard Publishers Distributors. 3. Ghosh A. and Ledwich G., “Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices,” Kluwer Academic Publishers. 4. Mathur R. M. and Varma R. K., “Thyristor – Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems,” John Wiley and Sons. 5. Padiyar K. R., “FACTS Controller in Power Transmission and Distribution”, New Age International Private Limited. 6. Miller T. J. E., “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems,” Wiley-Interscience. TEE011: UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND TRACTION Unit I: Electric Heating Advantage & methods of electric heating, Resistance heating, Electric arc heating, Induction heating, Dielectric heating, Unit II: Electric Welding Electric arc welding, electric resistance welding, Electric Welding control, Electrolyte Process: Principal of Electro deposition, laws of Electrolysis, application Electrolysis. Unit No III: Illumination Various definition, laws of Illumination, requirement of good lighting, Design of indoor lighting & outdoor lighting system. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigeration system, domestic Refrigerator, water cooler, Types of Air conditioning, Window air Conditioner Unit IV: Electric Traction – I Types of electric traction, system of track electrification, Traction mechanics-types of services, speed time curve and its simplification, average and schedule speeds, Tractive effort specific energy consumption, mechanics of train movement, coefficient of adhesion and its influence Unit V: Electric Traction – II Salient features of traction drives, Series-parallel control of dc traction drives (bridge traction) and energy saving, Power Electronic control of dc & ac traction drives, Diesel electric traction. Text books: 1. H.Pratab. ”Art & Science of Electric Energy’s Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. G.K.Dubey,” Fundamentals of electric drives” Narosa Publishing house. Reference Book: 1. H.Pratab.”Modern electric traction” Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. C.L. Wadhwa,”Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy “New Age International Publishers. TEE012: DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS Unit I: Signal Processing in Digital Control Basic digital control system, advantages of digital control and implementation problems, basic discrete time signals, z-transform and inverse z-transform, modeling of sample-hold circuit., pulse transfer function, solution of difference equation by z-Transform method. Unit II: Design of Digital Control Algorithms Steady state accuracy, transient response and frequency response specifications, digital compensator design using frequency response plots and root locus plots. Unit III: State Space Analysis and Design State space representation of digital control system, conversion of state variable models to transfer functions and vice versa, solution of state difference equations, controllability and observability, design of digital control system with state feedback. Unit IV: Stability of Discrete System Stability on the z-plane and Jury stability criterion, bilinear transformation, Routh stability criterion on rth plane. Lyapunov’s Stability in the sense of Lyapunov, stability theorems for continuous and discrete systems, stability analysis using Lyapunov’s method. Unit: V Optimal digital control Discrete Euler Lagrange equation, max. min. principle, otpimality & Dynamic programming, Different types of problem and their solutions. Text Books: 1. B.C.Kuo, “Digital Control System”, Saunders College Publishing. 2. M.Gopal, “Digital Control and State Variable Methods”, Tata McGraw Hill. Reference Books: 1. J.R.Leigh, “Applied Digital Control”, Prentice Hall, International 2. C.H. Houpis and G.B.Lamont, “Digital Control Systems: Theory, hardware, Software”, Mc Graw Hill. TEE013: SCADA & ENERGY MANAGEMENT Unit I: SCADA Purpose and necessity, general structure, data acquisition, transmission & monitoring, general power system hierarchical structure., Overview of the methods of data acquisition systems, commonly acquired data, data concentrators, various communication channels- cables, telephone lines, power line carrier, microwaves, fiber optical channels and satellites. Unit II: Supervisory and Control Functions Data acquisitions, status indications, majored values, energy values, monitoring, alarm and event application processing. Control Function: ON/ OFF control of lines, transformers, capacitors and applications in process in industry - valve, opening, closing etc., Regulatory functions: Set points and feed back loops, time tagged data, disturbance data collection and analysis. Calculation and report preparation. Unit III: MAN- Machine Communication Operator consoles and VDUs, displays, operator dialogues, alarm and event, loggers, mimics diagrams, report and printing facilities. Unit IV: Data basis SCADA, EMS and network data basis, SCADA system structure - local system, communication system and central, system. Configuration- NON-redundant- single processor, redundant dual Processor, multi control centers, system configuration. Performance considerations: real time operation system requirements, modularization of software programming languages. Unit V: Energy Management Center Functions performed at a centralized management center, production control and Load management economic dispatch, distributed centers and power pool management. Text Books: 1. Torsten Cergrell, “Power System Control Technology', Prentice Hall International. 2. George L Kusic 'Computer Aided Power System Analysis', Prentice Hall of India Reference Books: 1. A. J. Wood and B. Woolenberg, 'Power Generation Operation and Control', John Wiley & Sons. 2. Sunil S Rao, 'Switchgear Protection & Control System' Khanna Publishers 11th Edition. TEE014: SPECIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINES UNIT-I Poly-phase AC Machines: Construction and performance of double cage and deep bar three phase induction motors; e.m.f. injection in rotor circuit of slip ring induction motor, concept of constant torque and constant power controls, static slip power recovery control schemes (constant torque and constant power) UNIT-II Single phase Induction Motors: Construction, starting characteristics and applications of split phase, capacitor start, capacitor run, capacitor start, capacitor-run and shaded pole motors. Two Phase AC Servomotors: Construction, torque-speed characteristics, performance and applications. UNIT-III Stepper Motors: Principle of operation, variable reluctance, permanent magnet and hybrid stepper motors, characteristics, drive circuits and applications. Switched Reluctance Motors: Construction; principle of operation; torque production, modes of operation, drive circuits. UNIT-IV Permanent Magnet Machines: Types of permanent magnets and their magnetization characteristics, demagnetizing effect, permanent magnet dc motors, sinusoidal PM ac motors, brushless dc motors and their important features and applications, PCB motors. Single phase synchronous motor; construction, operating principle and characteristics of reluctance and hysteresis motors; introduction to permanent magnet generators. UNIT-V Single Phase Commutator Motors: Construction, principle of operation, characteristics of universal and repulsion motors ; Linear Induction Motors. Construction, principle of operation, Linear force, and applications. Text Books: 1. P.S. Bimbhra “Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines” Khanna Publishers. 2. P.C. Sen “ Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics” John willey & Sons, 2001 3. G.K.Dubey “Fundamentals of Electric Drives” Narosa Publishing House, 2001 Reference Books: 4. Cyril G. Veinott “Fractional and Sub-fractional horse power electric motors” McGraw Hill International, 1987 5. M.G. Say “ Alternating current Machines”Pitman & Sons PEE751: POWER SYSTEM LAB Note: - At Ieast 10 experiments shouId be performed out of which 3 shouId be simuIation based. 1. To determine direct axis reactance (xd) and quadrature axis reactance (xq) of a salient pole alternator. 2. To determine negative and zero sequence reactances of an alternator. 3. To determine sub transient direct axis reactance (xd) and sub transient quadrature axis reactance (xq) of an alternator 4. To determine fault current for L-G, L-L, L-L-G and L-L-L faults at the terminals of an alternator at very low excitation 5. To study the IDMT over current relay and determine the time current characteristics 6. To study percentage differential relay 7. To study Impedance, MHO and Reactance type distance relays 8. To determine location of fault in a cable using cable fault locator 9. To study ferranty effect and voltage distribution in H.V. long transmission line using transmission line model. 10. To study operation of oil testing set. SimuIation Based Experiments (using MATLAB or any other software) 11. To determine transmission line performance. 12. To obtain steady state, transient and sub-transient short circuit currents in an alternator 13. To obtain formation of Y-bus and perform load flow analysis 14. To perform symmetrical fault analysis in a power system 15. To perform unsymmetrical fault analysis in a power system PEE753: FACTS LAB USING MATLAB Note: - A student must perform at Ieast minimum 10 experiments out of the foIIowing Iist 1. Simulation for performance of uncompensated transmission line 2. Simulations for performance of mid -point shunt compensated transmission line 3. Simulation for performance of series compensated transmission line 4. Simulation of a transmission line with a FC-TCR at receiving end with firing control 5. Simulation of transmission line with a SVC at receiving end with firing control 6. Simulation of transmission line with a TCSC with firing control scheme 7. Simulation of PWM voltage source inverter. 8. Simulation of transmission line with a UPFC controller 9. Simulation of transmission line with a Interline Power flow controller 10. System stability analysis for 3 bus system using both TCR and TSC 11. Comparison in performance of TSSC and SSSC used for series compensation of transmission of line 12. Comparison between TCR and TCS used for shunt compensation of transmission of line 13. Simulation of TCPAR used for phase angle and voltage control in case of a transmission line